Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
palmAndroid opened this issue · 5 comments
I got following issue when i try to create directry and subdirectry with . extension like this .MainDirectry/.Subdirectry
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException File app .MainDirectry/.Subdirectry contains a path separator
same issue for me...
i read the thread and others more but i can't get why the problem is present only in pre kitkat versions and how to resolve it continuing using this useful library.
According to the guide:
Create sub directory.
// create directory
This throws an IllegalArgumentException: Path separator on Android version < 4.4
Can someone confirm? Thanks
For separators, please use File.separator instead of hard coded "/" char.
I made improvements in latest version. From now on, you will build absolute path by yourself. This code in new version should work for you:
// init
Storage storage = new Storage(context);
// get path to internal storage files directory
String filesDirectory = mStorage.getInternalFilesDirectory();
// create directory: /INTERNAL_STORAGE/files/MyDirName
String myDirName = filesDirectory + File.separator + "MyDirName";
// create directory: /INTERNAL_STORAGE/files/MyDirName/MySubDirectory
String mySubDirectory = myDirName + File.separator + "MySubDirectory";
You can play with a new sample app and see this in action.
Hope it resolves your issue. Let me know if you have any questions.