
Build error -- libtiff

Closed this issue · 2 comments

ubuntu:latest does not have libtiff4-dev, must update to libtiff5-dev:

Step 8 : RUN apt-get -qq install --yes libicu-dev libtiff4-dev libfreetype6-dev libpng12-dev libxml2-dev libproj-dev libsqlite3-dev libgdal-dev libcairo-dev python-cairo-dev postgresql-contrib libharfbuzz-dev
 ---> Running in e294bf1163f1
E: Package 'libtiff4-dev' has no installation candidate
The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get -qq install --yes libicu-dev libtiff4-dev libfreetype6-dev libpng12-dev libxml2-dev libproj-dev libsqlite3-dev libgdal-dev libcairo-dev python-cairo-dev postgresql-contrib libharfbuzz-dev' returned a non-zero code: 100

I made the change in the dockerfile, and issued a pull request (#2). Seems to build fine for me now.

I try this and let you know, thank you for the PR, and keeping this project up-to-date.

I'll fix the Ubuntu version also in an other commit.

Thank you for the reporting, this is now fixed.
Mapnik is also bumped to 3.0.10 and Ubuntu is fixed to 16.04 to avoid any breaks in the future.

I mark this as resolved.