Operation not permitted on NpmTask
qbixsd opened this issue · 0 comments
qbixsd commented
When I tried to run my subproject it always fails, whatever version of node/npm I try to use. The message is:
> react-scripts build
Failed to compile.
EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink '{project_dir}\frontend\build\node\node-v10.16.0-win-x64\node.exe'
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! frontend@0.1.0 build: `react-scripts build`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the frontend@0.1.0 build script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
The build script for subproject is:
plugins {
id "com.moowork.node" version "1.3.1"
version '0.0.1'
node {
version = '10.16.0'
npmVersion = '6.9.0'
download = true
workDir = file("${project.buildDir}/node")
nodeModulesDir = file("${project.projectDir}")
task build(type: NpmTask) {
args = ['run-script', 'build']
I've tried npm run-script build
with locally installed nodejs and npm, as well as starting project on ubuntu virtual box, both manually and through my gradle frontend:build task, and it went well. The only place, where I do have problems is windows using gradle (either through intelliJ, using jdk12, as well, as jdk8 from command line).