
srsRAN MATALB Assertion Failed while testing

golisrikanth1989 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Team,

I wanted check this matlab based srsRAN test and following the doc below,

Using the MATLAB 2023b version. While running and test the scripts, One test getting failed and its error message is shown in below,

I was getting this issue from the ans variable in (1,1) location. I am not sure which file to change can anyone help to resolve this issue.

assertEqual failed.--> Classes do not match. Actual Class: logical Expected Class: doubleActual Value: logical 0Expected Value: 0

Failure Summary:

 Name                             Failed  Incomplete  Reason(s)
 CheckAnalyzers/checkParserPUSCH    X         X       Failed by assertion.

ans =

1×94 TestResult array with properties:


93 Passed, 1 Failed (rerun), 1 Incomplete.
21.7829 seconds testing time.


Hi @golisrikanth1989,
thanks for pointing this out. We haven't tested our software with R2023b, only with R2023a (and some previous versions). However, we've encountered a similar error before when going from R2022b to R2023a. The reason is that MATLAB has probably changed the default type of one of the fields inside an NR object.
Can you rerun the failed test and paste the entire output? I can't see exactly which assertion is failing - my guess is

            obj.assertEqual(pusch.TransformPrecoding, 0, 'Wrong transform precoding.');

on line 133 of unitTests/CheckAnalyzers.m. If so, just change it to

            obj.assertEqual(double(pusch.TransformPrecoding), 0, 'Wrong transform precoding.');

and it should work. We'll fix this in the next release.

Hi @dvdgrgrtt,

Thanks for the response,

Now its getting passed with all test, here is the output,

Done CheckAnalyzers

Running CheckSimulators

Simulating transmission scheme 1 (1x1) and SCS=15kHz with AWGN channel at -5.6dB SNR for 100 10ms frame(s)

Throughput(Mbps) after 10 frame(s) = 0.0000 (max 1.8000)
Throughput(%) after 10 frame(s) = 0.0000
BLER after 10 frame(s) = 1.0000

Simulating transmission scheme 1 (1x1) and SCS=15kHz with AWGN channel at -5.4dB SNR for 100 10ms frame(s)

Throughput(Mbps) after 10 frame(s) = 0.0000 (max 1.8000)
Throughput(%) after 10 frame(s) = 0.0000
BLER after 10 frame(s) = 1.0000

Simulating transmission scheme 1 (1x1) and SCS=15kHz with AWGN channel at -5.2dB SNR for 100 10ms frame(s)

Throughput(Mbps) after 10 frame(s) = 0.0178 (max 1.8000)
Throughput(%) after 10 frame(s) = 0.9901
BLER after 10 frame(s) = 0.9901

Simulating transmission scheme 1 (1x1) and SCS=15kHz with AWGN channel at -5dB SNR for 100 10ms frame(s)

Throughput(Mbps) after 11 frame(s) = 0.1636 (max 1.8000)
Throughput(%) after 11 frame(s) = 9.0909
BLER after 11 frame(s) = 0.9091

Simulating transmission scheme 1 (1x1) and SCS=15kHz with AWGN channel at -4.8dB SNR for 100 10ms frame(s)

Throughput(Mbps) after 15 frame(s) = 0.5755 (max 1.8000)
Throughput(%) after 15 frame(s) = 31.9728
BLER after 15 frame(s) = 0.6803
.11:38:25: Simulating SNR = -14.2 dB... Detection probability (ignoring time error): 100.00%
Detection probability (time error below tolerance): 100.00%
Time error: 0.21 +/- 0.25
11:38:26: Simulating SNR = -14.2 dB... False-alarm probability: 0.00%
Done CheckSimulators

Running CheckTests
.......... .......... .......... .......... ....Running srsChEqualizerUnittest
Done srsChEqualizerUnittest

.Running srsChEstimatorUnittest
Done srsChEstimatorUnittest

.Running srsDFTProcessorUnittest
Done srsDFTProcessorUnittest

.Running srsDemodulationMapperUnittest
Done srsDemodulationMapperUnittest

.Running srsLDPCEncoderUnittest
Done srsLDPCEncoderUnittest

.Running srsLDPCRateMatcherUnittest
Done srsLDPCRateMatcherUnittest

Running srsLDPCSegmenterUnittest
Done srsLDPCSegmenterUnittest

.Running srsModulationMapperUnittest
Done srsModulationMapperUnittest

.Running srsNZPCSIRSGeneratorUnittest
Done srsNZPCSIRSGeneratorUnittest

.Running srsOFDMDemodulatorUnittest
Done srsOFDMDemodulatorUnittest

.Running srsOFDMModulatorUnittest
Done srsOFDMModulatorUnittest

.Running srsOFHCompressionUnittest
Done srsOFHCompressionUnittest

.Running srsPBCHEncoderUnittest
Done srsPBCHEncoderUnittest

.Running srsPBCHModulatorUnittest
Done srsPBCHModulatorUnittest

.Running srsPBCHdmrsUnittest
Done srsPBCHdmrsUnittest

.Running srsPDCCHCandidatesCommonUnittest
Done srsPDCCHCandidatesCommonUnittest

. Running srsPDCCHCandidatesUeUnittest
Done srsPDCCHCandidatesUeUnittest

.Running srsPDCCHEncoderUnittest
Done srsPDCCHEncoderUnittest

.Running srsPDCCHModulatorUnittest
Done srsPDCCHModulatorUnittest

.Running srsPDCCHProcessorUnittest
Done srsPDCCHProcessorUnittest

.Running srsPDCCHdmrsUnittest
Done srsPDCCHdmrsUnittest

.Running srsPDSCHEncoderUnittest
Done srsPDSCHEncoderUnittest

.Running srsPDSCHModulatorUnittest
Done srsPDSCHModulatorUnittest

.Running srsPDSCHProcessorUnittest
Done srsPDSCHProcessorUnittest

.Running srsPDSCHdmrsUnittest
Done srsPDSCHdmrsUnittest

.Running srsPRACHDemodulatorUnittest
Done srsPRACHDemodulatorUnittest

. Running srsPRACHDetectorUnittest
Done srsPRACHDetectorUnittest

.Running srsPRACHGeneratorUnittest
Done srsPRACHGeneratorUnittest

.Running srsPUCCHDemodulatorFormat2Unittest
Done srsPUCCHDemodulatorFormat2Unittest

.Running srsPUCCHDetectorFormat1Unittest
Done srsPUCCHDetectorFormat1Unittest

.Running srsPUCCHProcessorFormat1Unittest
Done srsPUCCHProcessorFormat1Unittest

.Running srsPUCCHProcessorFormat2Unittest
Done srsPUCCHProcessorFormat2Unittest

.Running srsPUCCHdmrsUnittest
Done srsPUCCHdmrsUnittest

.Running srsPUSCHDecoderUnittest
Done srsPUSCHDecoderUnittest

.Running srsPUSCHDemodulatorUnittest
Done srsPUSCHDemodulatorUnittest

.Running srsPUSCHProcessorUnittest
Done srsPUSCHProcessorUnittest

. Running srsPUSCHdmrsUnittest
Done srsPUSCHdmrsUnittest

.Running srsSSBProcessorUnittest
Done srsSSBProcessorUnittest

.Running srsShortBlockDetectorUnittest
Done srsShortBlockDetectorUnittest

.Running srsShortBlockEncoderUnittest
Done srsShortBlockEncoderUnittest

.Running srsTBSCalculatorUnittest
Done srsTBSCalculatorUnittest

.Running srsUCIDecoderUnittest
Done srsUCIDecoderUnittest

.Running srsULSCHDemultiplexUnittest
Done srsULSCHDemultiplexUnittest

.Running srsULSCHInfoUnittest
Done srsULSCHInfoUnittest

Done CheckTests

ans =

1×94 TestResult array with properties:


94 Passed, 0 Failed, 0 Incomplete.
25.0424 seconds testing time.

I will check the analyzers and simulators let you know, If found any issues.


Srikanth Goli

Closing this issue - feel free to reopen if needed.