
suggestion: making running more complex build commands easier

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Again, I'm not 100% sure about the following, if it should be adopted or not, but it made specifying more complex build commands easier, for me:

--- orangenschale.orig/app/models/build.rb  2012-07-12 05:14:44.000000000 -0500
+++ orangenschale/app/models/build.rb   2012-07-16 05:52:38.974186100 -0500
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   def run
     Bundler.with_clean_env do
-      build_command = "script/goldberg-build '#{}' '#{ruby}' '#{project.code_path}' '#{build_log_path}' '#{artefacts_path}' '#{project.nice}' '#{environment_string}' '#{project.bundler_options}' #{project.build_command}"
+      build_command = "script/goldberg-build '#{}' '#{ruby}' '#{project.code_path}' '#{build_log_path}' '#{artefacts_path}' '#{project.nice}' '#{environment_string}' '#{project.bundler_options}' '#{project.build_command}'"

Sorry, what's the difference here? The quotes around the build command?

I don't want to add any quotes here which might interfere with quotes people might add within the build_command itself. I think I'd rather leave it to people on whether they wish to use quotes or not. Thanks anyway.

yes, you are right, I didn't think of that...