
Can't build this project with mingw32-make.exe

p506738532 opened this issue · 31 comments

In cmd.exe,input the commond:
D:\ProgramFiles\Qt\heob\heob-master\heob-master>D:\ProgramFiles\Qt\Qt5.7.0\Tools\mingw530_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe CPPFLAGS="-DNO_DWARFSTACK"
There is an error when i input an "enter"
Makefile:54: *** multiple target patterns. Stop.
what's wrong with my operation?

Well, I have never used mingw32-make.exe (I usually use the MSYS2 make), so I have to check what could be wrong here.

Where did you get the mingw32-make.exe?

soga,i didn't know where the make.exe is.MSYS2 is not installed in myy computer.can i compile the project with qt creator?

Yes, you can compile with qt creator, you have to use heob.qbs for that.

i have download qt-creator-mingw-5.7.0 and find it in "xx/tools/mingw32/bin" path.

but qt creator said can't find profile

what profile?

In qt creator ,Equivalent command line:
D:\ProgramFiles\Qt\Qt5.7.0\Tools\QtCreator\bin\qbs.exe build -d D:\ProgramFiles\Qt\heob\heob-master\build-heob-Desktop_Qt_5_7_0_MinGW_CDB_32bit-Release -f D:\ProgramFiles\Qt\heob\heob-master\heob-master\heob.qbs --settings-dir C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\QtProject\qtcreator --jobs 4 release profile:qtc_Desktop__a9a623b5
can‘t find profile:qtc_Desktop__a9a623b5

There is an error "👎 error: Unknown or empty profile 'qtc_Desktop__a9a623b5'."when i open the heob.qbs with qt creator.

I will have to see if I can reproduce the error if I use the qt 5.7.0, because I have had no such problem with 5.9 - 5.11 so far.

There is an error like this.

I'm downloading qt-mingw-5.7.0 right now, but is there some reason you don't use a newer qt version?

i am trying to build it with qt-5.9.0.

i have build it successfully with qt5.9.0. But I can't find the output .exe file.what should i config?

What build directory is configured, it should be in there.

After builed.there are two files in the "Build direction": and don't know what is the output .exe file named.

Then the build probably didn't finish successfully, you should see some errors or at least warnings in the Issues pane.

there is some info
Running Windows Runtime device detection. D:/ProgramFiles/Qt/Qt5.9.0/5.9.1/winrt_armv7_msvc2015/bin/winrtrunner.exe --list-devices No build graph exists yet for this configuration. Build done for configuration qtc_Desktop__a9a623b5-release. Build done for configuration qtc_Desktop__a9a623b5-release. Build done for configuration qtc_Desktop__a9a623b5-release. Build done for configuration qtc_Desktop__a9a623b5-release.

Are you trying to build it for armv7?

there are some warnings:
D:\ProgramFiles\Qt\heob\heob-master\heob-master\heob.qbs:4: warning: Referenced directory 'D:/ProgramFiles/Qt/heob/heob-master/heob-master/dwarfstack/dwarfstack.qbs' does not contain a qbs file.
D:\ProgramFiles\Qt\heob\heob-master\heob-master\heob.qbs:17: warning: Dependency 'dwarfstack' not found for product 'heob'.
D:\ProgramFiles\Qt\heob\heob-master\heob-master\heob.qbs:6: warning: Product 'heob' had errors and was disabled.

Ok, that is good information, you don't have the dwarfstack git submodule.

no.I just want to build for my win10.

the dwarfstack is necessary?

If you want to use heob for mingw executables, yes.

In that case you should call in the heob directory:
git submodule update --init

If you don't need it for mingw binaries, you can remove the references line from heob.qbs, and change the cpp.defines to:
cpp.defines: [ "HEOB_VER=\"" + heob_ver + "\"", "NO_DWARFSTACK" ]

i am trying to download the dwarfstack.thank you very much!

Is there a special reason you need to compile heob yourself, and not use the release?

i didn't find the release at the i want to built it .

Did you succeed, or do you still have some problems compiling?

i have built the heob32.exe and dwarfstack32.dll successfully.thanks again.

So I guess I can close this.

Feel free to reopen if you have further problems/questions.