
vim formatting filter wrapping commentary columns

Primary LanguageC++


A small set of tools working on plain-text meant to be used with vim as formatting filters.

All the tools read on STDIN and emit the mended text on STDOUT.

In general, you would use them in vim by highlighting some text in visual mode and then piping the marked text through theses tools by typing : (which yields the prompt :'<'>) followed by !<toolname>.


Enables you to align on a delimiting character. Suppose you have code riddled with assignments:

my $payload = "Hallo Welt!";
my $encryptor = Uki::Common::Encryptor->new( publicKeyFile => "pub.key");
my $indecipherableText = $encryptor->encrypt( $payload );
my $decryptor = Uki::Common::Decryptor->new( privateKey => "priv.key" );

It might help to improve clarity by aligning all theses assignments on the rightmost = character:

my $payload            = "Hallo Welt!";
my $encryptor          = Uki::Common::Encryptor->new( publicKeyFile => "pub.key");
my $indecipherableText = $encryptor->encrypt( $payload );
my $decryptor          = Uki::Common::Decryptor->new( privateKey => "priv.key" );


align-on takes the paramater -d '<delimiter string>', which enables you to change the delimiting string. It defaults to =.


Enables you to create columnized comments. Assuming you have the following code and commentary:

string rtrim( string str ){                   // Wir initialisieren eine Laufvariable mit dem Ende des Strings und zählen bis zum ersten Nichtleerzeichen zurück. Dann löschen wir alles ab diesem Index.
  size_t i = str.size();
  while( i > 0 && isspace(str[i-1])) { --i; }
  return str.erase(i,string::npos);

wrap-comment's effect would be like the following:

string rtrim( string str ){                   // Wir initialisieren eine Laufvariable
  size_t i = str.size();                      // mit dem Ende des Strings und
  while( i > 0 && isspace(str[i-1])) { --i; } // zählen bis zum ersten Nichtleerzeichen
  return str.erase(i,string::npos);           // zurück. Dann löschen wir alles
}                                             // ab diesem Index.

The longest line of source code determines the padding applied to the commentaries.


The -d option takes a comment delimiter string, which defaults to #. In the example -d '//' was used.

The -w option can be used to set the wrap column (defaults to 80).




Adapt the path in the Makefile to your needs and call

make install


Sven Schober sven.schober@uni-ulm.de