Bump Edition to 2018
jgrussell opened this issue · 3 comments
jgrussell commented
What would you think of bumping the edition for this from its current, default, 2015 to the latest 2018?
This will require a few, hopefully minor, source code changes which I am willing (and I believe able) to tackle after completing #29, assuming you think this is worthwhile.
sseemayer commented
I am all for it! I would bet that this will be auto-fixable by Cargo.
jgrussell commented
Very cool! I did try just bumping the edition to allow me to use some specific techniques in #29 ; but, as you might have guessed, that caused more issues than it resolved. I'll tackle this as time permits if no one else does it first.
sseemayer commented
I ended up doing it myself in the same go as implementing the XML dumping tool :)