Navi | An SSG Community Project
v0.1 - Released
🤝 Sponsors / Endorsements: Thank you so much!
Before you begin you will want to run the script included with Navi.
🤖 About Navi | 
Navi got its start for Alex when he was a young teen. It started with a game. Megaman Battlenetwork 3 which is where Navi takes a lot of its inspiration from. Over the many cycles leading up to this. Navi has gone from being a simple if statement based "AI" chatbot to having some models implimented that you can find out in the wild. All the way to what we see today.
Navi's Echo based itteration brings together to talent of Alex as well as Fox to bring together a purpose built AI for cybersecurity professionala. Capable of automating many of the common taaks professionals will run into starting with recon.
Navi was moved over completely to the Echo-AI framework on 12/05/2023!
✨ Features
- | Navi itself.
- | Used to train Echo-l1 on new intense.json data.
-| Ensures that everything is installed to run Navi
- | A script that will install Navi to your computer.
✅ /commands and the Navi Script Engine
One of the major features of the Navi AI Interface is that it comes with some tools pre-baked in
extending the functionality of the AI under the hood. Here is a basic list of what's included:
- /help | Inbuild help menu
- /recon | Recon automation and reporting suite
- /macchanger | A mac address changer
These are the major ones. Check out /help
for more information.
🦾 Training Navi
Due to Navi being an interface to the Echo-AI Framework we can train Navi the exact same way.
For more information how to train Navi head over to the Echo AI Wiki The same instructions apply here
🖥️ Mac / Windows compatibility: TBA
Navi is built primarily for linux operating systems. However we do plan on expanding into Mac and Windows over time.
🖐️ Get in touch
You can join in on chatting with the dev team on our Discord server
🔧 Issues
If you face any problems while using the application, please open an issue here
Echo's original liscense can be found here
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, feedback, and bug reports are welcome! Feel free to check out our issues page to find out what you could do! But before contributing, make sure to check out
🕸 Contributors
Your contributions push the boundaries of whats possible and it's greatly appreciated.