
[pin] is an invalid option for [sensor.seesaw] and type: encoder

Opened this issue · 4 comments


I am facing an issue with seesaw componant and my Adafruit I2C Quad Rotary Encoder Breakout with NeoPixel - STEMMA QT / Qwiic, Product ID: 5752. Encoders count in the wrong direction.


I am using the seesaw branch of this repo.
So I try to configure seesaw componant and set pins to change the behavior but I got this error:
[pin] is an invalid option for [binary_sensor.seesaw]. This is for encoder switch.

These are the pin names in the seesaw firmware for each rotary encoder coming from : Adafruit I2C Quad Rotary Encoder Breakout tutorial

Encoder #0
  Switch: pin 12
  Encoder A: pin 8
  Encoder B: pin 9
Encoder #1
  Switch: pin 14
  Encoder A: pin 10
  Encoder B: pin 11
Encoder #2
  Switch: pin 17
  Encoder A: pin 2
  Encoder B: pin 3
Encoder #3
  Switch: pin 9
  Encoder A: pin 4
  Encoder B: pin 5

And this is my config:

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: seesaw
    components: [ seesaw ]

  - platform: seesaw
    id: encoder0
    type: encoder
    number: 0
    #pin: 8 --> [pin] is an invalid option for [sensor.seesaw]
    name: "Seesaw encoder #0"

  - platform: seesaw
    id: encoder1
    type: encoder
    number: 1
    #pin: 10
    name: "Seesaw encoder #1"

  - platform: seesaw
    id: encoder2
    type: encoder
    number: 2
    #pin: 2
    name: "Seesaw encoder #2"

  - platform: seesaw
    id: encoder3
    number: 3
    type: encoder
    #pin: 4

I am getting this log when I build this config:

INFO ESPHome 2024.4.0b3
Failed config

sensor.seesaw: [source /config/esphome/adafruit-matrixportal-s3.yaml:345]
  platform: seesaw
  id: encoder0
  type: encoder
  number: 0
  [pin] is an invalid option for [sensor.seesaw]. Please check the indentation.
  pin: 8
  name: Seesaw encoder #0
sensor.seesaw: [source /config/esphome/adafruit-matrixportal-s3.yaml:352]
  platform: seesaw
  id: encoder1
  type: encoder
  number: 1
  [pin] is an invalid option for [sensor.seesaw]. Please check the indentation.
  pin: 10
  name: Seesaw encoder #1
sensor.seesaw: [source /config/esphome/adafruit-matrixportal-s3.yaml:359]
  platform: seesaw
  id: encoder2
  type: encoder
  number: 2
  [pin] is an invalid option for [sensor.seesaw]. Please check the indentation.
  pin: 2
  name: Seesaw encoder #2
sensor.seesaw: [source /config/esphome/adafruit-matrixportal-s3.yaml:366]
  platform: seesaw
  id: encoder3
  number: 3
  type: encoder
  [pin] is an invalid option for [sensor.seesaw]. Please check the indentation.
  pin: 4
  name: Seesaw encoder #3

Is there any way to correct this issue?


There's no way to specify the pins for the encoders. Try the Arduino example sketch and see which way the numbers go.

There's no way to specify the pins for the encoders. Try the Arduino example sketch and see which way the numbers go.

It works correctly with the Arduino sketch: PID5752_QuadEncoder_demo.ino described here


 * This is a demo for a QT Py RP2040 connected to a quad rotary encoder breakout
 * using the onboard Stemma QT Port
#include "Adafruit_seesaw.h"
#include <seesaw_neopixel.h>

#define SS_NEO_PIN       18
#define SS_ENC0_SWITCH   12
#define SS_ENC1_SWITCH   14
#define SS_ENC2_SWITCH   17
#define SS_ENC3_SWITCH   9

#define SEESAW_ADDR      0x49

Adafruit_seesaw ss = Adafruit_seesaw(&Wire);
seesaw_NeoPixel pixels = seesaw_NeoPixel(4, SS_NEO_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

int32_t enc_positions[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

void setup() {
  while (!Serial) delay(10);

  Serial.println("Looking for seesaw!");
  if (! ss.begin(SEESAW_ADDR) || !pixels.begin(SEESAW_ADDR)) {
    Serial.println("Couldn't find seesaw on default address");
    while(1) delay(10);
  Serial.println("seesaw started");
  uint32_t version = ((ss.getVersion() >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
  if (version  != 5752){
    Serial.print("Wrong firmware loaded? ");
    while(1) delay(10);
  Serial.println("Found Product 5752");

  ss.setGPIOInterrupts(1UL << SS_ENC0_SWITCH | 1UL << SS_ENC1_SWITCH | 
                       1UL << SS_ENC2_SWITCH | 1UL << SS_ENC3_SWITCH, 1);

  // get starting positions
  for (int e=0; e<4; e++) {
    enc_positions[e] = ss.getEncoderPosition(e);
  Serial.println("Turning on interrupts");

  pixels.setBrightness(255);; // Initialize all pixels to 'off'

void loop() {

  if (! ss.digitalRead(SS_ENC0_SWITCH)) {
    Serial.println("ENC0 pressed!");
  if (! ss.digitalRead(SS_ENC1_SWITCH)) {
    Serial.println("ENC1 pressed!");
  if (! ss.digitalRead(SS_ENC2_SWITCH)) {
    Serial.println("ENC2 pressed!");
  if (! ss.digitalRead(SS_ENC3_SWITCH)) {
    Serial.println("ENC3 pressed!");

  for (int e=0; e<4; e++) {
    int32_t new_enc_position = ss.getEncoderPosition(e);
    // did we move around?
    if (enc_positions[e] != new_enc_position) {
      Serial.print("Encoder #");
      Serial.print(" -> ");
      Serial.println(new_enc_position);      // display new position
      enc_positions[e] = new_enc_position;      // and save for next round
      // change the neopixel color, mulitply the new positiion by 4 to speed it up
      pixels.setPixelColor(e, Wheel((new_enc_position*4) & 0xFF));;

  // don't overwhelm serial port

uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) {
  WheelPos = 255 - WheelPos;
  if (WheelPos < 85) {
    return seesaw_NeoPixel::Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3);
  if (WheelPos < 170) {
    WheelPos -= 85;
    return seesaw_NeoPixel::Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3);
  WheelPos -= 170;
  return seesaw_NeoPixel::Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0);

Yes. I see I invert the values and there's a comment that it was to make clockwise positive. Which way is positive with the arduino sketch?

Yes. I see I invert the values and there's a comment that it was to make clockwise positive. Which way is positive with the arduino sketch?

@ssieb I get this in the logs during execution when turning encoders clockwise:

12:15:01.850 -> rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
12:15:01.850 -> configsip: 188777542, SPIWP:0xee
12:15:01.850 -> clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00
12:15:01.850 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
12:15:01.850 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1416
12:15:01.850 -> load:0x40078000,len:14804
12:15:01.850 -> load:0x40080400,len:4
12:15:01.850 -> load:0x40080404,len:3356
12:15:01.850 -> entry 0x4008059c
12:15:01.979 -> Looking for seesaw!
12:15:02.026 -> seesaw started
12:15:02.026 -> Found Product 5752
12:15:02.073 -> Turning on interrupts
12:15:05.591 -> Encoder #0 -> 1
12:15:05.728 -> Encoder #0 -> 2
12:15:05.766 -> Encoder #0 -> 3
12:15:05.837 -> Encoder #0 -> 4
12:15:05.928 -> Encoder #0 -> 5
12:15:06.021 -> Encoder #0 -> 6
12:15:06.115 -> Encoder #0 -> 7
12:15:06.254 -> Encoder #0 -> 8
12:15:12.678 -> Encoder #0 -> 9
12:15:12.802 -> Encoder #0 -> 10
12:15:12.891 -> Encoder #0 -> 11
12:15:12.977 -> Encoder #0 -> 12
12:15:13.015 -> Encoder #0 -> 13
12:15:13.147 -> Encoder #0 -> 14
12:15:13.238 -> Encoder #0 -> 15
12:15:13.318 -> Encoder #0 -> 16
12:15:13.500 -> Encoder #0 -> 17
12:15:14.767 -> Encoder #1 -> 1
12:15:14.806 -> Encoder #1 -> 2
12:15:14.886 -> Encoder #1 -> 3
12:15:15.011 -> Encoder #1 -> 4
12:15:15.105 -> Encoder #1 -> 5
12:15:15.149 -> Encoder #1 -> 6
12:15:15.241 -> Encoder #1 -> 7
12:15:15.396 -> Encoder #1 -> 8
12:15:15.990 -> Encoder #2 -> 1
12:15:16.262 -> Encoder #2 -> 2
12:15:16.355 -> Encoder #2 -> 3
12:15:16.390 -> Encoder #2 -> 4
12:15:16.481 -> Encoder #2 -> 5
12:15:16.574 -> Encoder #2 -> 6
12:15:17.752 -> Encoder #3 -> 1
12:15:17.799 -> Encoder #3 -> 2
12:15:17.832 -> Encoder #3 -> 3
12:15:17.924 -> Encoder #3 -> 4
12:15:17.971 -> Encoder #3 -> 5