
wrong indentation in arrays with unquoted values containing a colon

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Which version(s) is affected: definitely v4.2.4, maybe older ones as well


There is an issue with array item indentation. When an item is not quoted and contains a colon (:), it will have 3 spaces after a dash, even though it is not a nested array (might be caused by #27).

See Travis build of shopsys/demoshop for a real life example:

How to reproduce

Usual arrays (1 space after dash) ✔️

    - value
    - other value

Nested arrays (3 spaces after a dash) ✔️

array name:
    -   key: value
        other key: value

Arrays with unquoted colons (3 spaces after a dash only when colon is present) ❌

    - value
    - ''

Possible Solution

  1. fix the edge case to only force 3 spaces when the line is a proper key-value pair
  2. force 3 spaces (or more correctly n-1 where n is the indent count) on every array item line

Additional information

YAML apparently doesn't considers the line a key-value pair only if it is not in quoted string (eg. "key: value" will not be considered a key-value pair) and there is a space after the colon (eg. key: value or key : value but not key:value or key :value).

Hello @PetrHeinz,
thanks for the reported issue. I hope I will have time this weekend to fix this issue, if not then I will fix it in next week.