
glob() fails due GLOB_BRACE const usage, which is not available under alpine linux due non-standard libc (musl) usage

Closed this issue · 4 comments

diimpp commented

Which version(s) is affected: 8.0.0.


Warning: Use of undefined constant GLOB_BRACE - assumed 'GLOB_BRACE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /srv/sylius/vendor/sspooky13/yaml-standards/src/Command/Service/FilesPathService.php on line 38
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: glob() expects parameter 2 to be int, string given in /srv/sylius/vendor/sspooky13/yaml-standards/src/Command/Service/FilesPathService.php:38

Full log

Warning: Use of undefined constant GLOB_BRACE - assumed 'GLOB_BRACE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /srv/sylius/vendor/sspooky13/yaml-standards/src/Command/Service/FilesPathService.php on line 38

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: glob() expects parameter 2 to be int, string given in /srv/sylius/vendor/sspooky13/yaml-standards/src/Command/Service/FilesPathService.php:38
Stack trace:
#0 /srv/sylius/vendor/sspooky13/yaml-standards/src/Command/Service/FilesPathService.php(38): glob('./*{.yml,.yaml,...', 'GLOB_BRACE')
#1 /srv/sylius/vendor/sspooky13/yaml-standards/src/Command/Service/FilesPathService.php(20): YamlStandards\Command\Service\FilesPathService::globRecursive('./*{.yml,.yaml,...')
#2 /srv/sylius/vendor/sspooky13/yaml-standards/src/Model/Config/YamlStandardConfigLoader.php(43): YamlStandards\Command\Service\FilesPathService::getPathToFiles(Array)
#3 /srv/sylius/vendor/sspooky13/yaml-standards/src/Model/Config/YamlStandardConfigLoader.php(31): YamlStandards\Model\Config\YamlStandardConfigLoader->createConfigData(Array)
#4 /srv/sylius/vendor/sspooky13/yaml-standards/src/Command/YamlCommand.php(51): YamlStandards\Model\Config\YamlStandardConfigLoader->loadFromYaml('./yaml-standard...')
#5 /srv/sylius/vendor/symfo in /srv/sylius/vendor/sspooky13/yaml-standards/src/Command/Service/FilesPathService.php on line 38

How to reproduce
call yaml-standard bin from docker with alpine linux

Possible Solution

Handle possiblity of GLOB_BRACE missing.


Additional information
zend-stdlib has fallback glob for this exact issue

Hello, thanks for report. I will work on it.

@diimpp, I fixed this issue like Symfony and some more repositories -> 48d206f. Is it OK for you or do you really want to use GLOB_BRACE constant?


diimpp commented

Just patched my local version with it and seems to work correctly.

  • vendor/bin/yaml-standards is being called without errors now
  • Number of found files matches number of files in directory with find path/to/dir -mindepth 1 -type f -name "*.yml" -printf x | wc -c for yml/yaml file extensions.

Thank you for super fast fix :)

EDIT: P.S. Yes, it's okay for me and I've no use for GLOB_BRACE const directly.

You are welcome 😊 I released new version where is this issue fixed, so you can change version in composer.json to don't have to change your localhost version

Thank you for your report