
repo with deployed builds of quadplay projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Deployment Scratchpad


This repo contains a number of prototypes in various stages of completion.



label gridpusher.gridpusher.floating_point_movement gridpusher.main.discrete gridpusher.gridpusher.discrete_mix_test gridpusher.gridpusher.float_music_mix_test gridpusher.gridpusher.main
branch gridpusher.floating_point_movement main.discrete gridpusher.discrete_mix_test gridpusher.float_music_mix_test gridpusher.main
description test of gridpusher prototype with 2d zelda style movement discrete version of stem mixer Floating point music mixing test - move aroudn the circles and hear stems fade in and out main development branch for gridpusher
Deployed on 04/28/2024 04/12/2024 04/01/2024 04/01/2024 03/31/2024
link play gridpusher.floating_point_movement play main.discrete play gridpusher.discrete_mix_test play gridpusher.float_music_mix_test play gridpusher.main


label doom_fire.doom_fire.main
branch doom_fire.main
description Experiment using the doom fire algorithm
Deployed on 04/17/2024
link play doom_fire.main


label snes_prototype.snes_prototype.boxes
branch snes_prototype.boxes
description box throwing demo from the snes_prototype/super beat the wizzard
Deployed on 04/18/2024
link play snes_prototype.boxes


label reach.reach.world_gen
branch reach.world_gen
Deployed on 04/19/2024
link play reach.world_gen