
Weird issue when using execjs in rails 4.0.13 in windows

nathanvda opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to deploy on a Windows server (I know: I would rather not either), and I installed node.js which is normally my go-to solution to make everything work.

My setup: I am using ruby 2.1 (but I had the same error in 1.9.3), execjs 2.5.2 and rails 4.0.13.

When doing rake assets:precompile I get an empty error, like

  (in c:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/bundler/gems/wice_grid-cb7fb4f178e9/vendor/assets/javascripts/
Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile�

(and normally I would presume some kind of more verbose error). So I ventured into my rails console, to do something like ExecJS.eval("'red'") for test, and start adding puts statements to see what was going on. I got the same kind of error.

After a while debugging, editing the code, restarting the console, i figured to use irb which starts quicker. And imagine my surprise that the tested line just works in irb, and not in the rails environment. From my logs I seem to be able to deduce that ExecJS::ExternalRuntime.eval is overruled in rails? Is that possible? Imho that is causing the problem with regards to the eval not working now.

In the rails console I always get an empty script, and in irb it is correctly translated to return eval("('red')").

Do you have an idea where I can look where/how the eval is overruled. I am guessing it is something platform specific.

Things I tried:

  • switch to coffee-script-source 1.8.0 because it has worked on another server for me: now it does not make a difference
  • switch to sprockets 2.11.0 (from 2.12.3)
  • switch to coffee-script 2.3.1 (from 2.4.0)

Any tips where to look would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

I have rails code deployed on three windows servers, and on two it just worked when installing node, and on the third it did not.

I had another day of debugging, and I now know how to fix it, but I do not understand it.

As said before rake assets:precompile failed, and I was able to get the same error when doing ExecJS.compile("var a=1;"). It did fire up node correctly, and when I disabled the cleaning of the tempfile (containing the js source to be compiled/executed), I was able to just start node manually with the temp-file and it returned the correct (expected) output ([ok]).

I edited the exec_runtime function, to add more logging to get a clear view what is going wrong.

What I see is that the generated command line fails for some reason. The generated command-line is this:

node C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/2/execjs20150604-6088-1g2aekijs 2>&1 > C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/2/execjs20150604-6088-1yrs6arjson

which outputs (captured) :

 'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
 operable program or batch file.

and the output file is empty, and the $?.success? is false. I have no idea why this fails, because I can just execute the command at the command-line manually without any error. I have the faint idea this has something to do with the length of the command-line, but I am just guessing here.

So if I rewrite the exec_runtime as follows it just works:

    def exec_runtime(filename)
      command = binary.split(" ") << filename
      output = `#{shell_escape(*command)}`            
      if $?.success?
        raise exec_runtime_error(output)

This code was tested on windows 2003. If required I can test this works on windows 2008 and windows 2012R2. I am not sure this is just a local issue, as said: I have no explanation why the original code no longer works.

I would be happy to provide a PR if appreciated. Or do some further digging if anybody has some idea why it should fail. Or provide more info if required.