
Main repository for Data.gov's stack deployment

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Data.gov Deploy


This main repository for Data.gov's stack deployment onto AWS Infrastructure. The repository is broken into the following roles all created/provisioned using Ansible:

Included in this Repository:

  • Software
    • Data.gov (Wordpress)
    • Catalog.data.gov (CKAN 2.3)
    • Inventory.data.gov (CKAN 2.5)
    • Labs.data.gov/CRM (Open311 CRM)
    • Labs.data.gov/Dashboard (Project Open Data Dashboard)
  • Security
    • Baseline OS Hardening
    • GSA IT Security Agents
    • Fluentd (Logging)
    • New Relic (Infrastructure Monitoring)
    • New Relic (Application Performance Monitoring)
    • Trendmicro (OSSEC-HIDS)

Project Status

See our Roadmap.

Provision Infrastructure

Moved to datagov-infrastructure-live

Requirements for Software Provisioning

  • Ansible > 1.10
  • SSH access (via keypair) to remote instances
  • ansible-secret.txt: export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/ansible-secret.txt
  • run all provisioning/app deployment commands from repo's ansible folder
  • to update ansible/roles/vendor roles run there: ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Common plays

Update/deploy all data.gov assets.

$ ansible-playbook site.yml

Note: the above playbook is incomplete. There are a few playbooks that must be run with specific parameters. For that we include them in site.sh:

$ ./site.sh {{ inventory }}

If the playbooks failed to apply to a few hosts, you can address the failures and then retry with the --limit parameter and the retry file.

$ ansible-playbook site.yml --limit @site.retry

Reboot any hosts requiring reboot after an update. Note: this takes a while since we only reboot one host at a time.

$ ansible-playbook actions/reboot.yml

Force reboot hosts even if no reboot is required. Use this if you just need to reboot hosts for any reason.

$ ansible-playbook actions/reboot.yml -e force_reboot=true

Install the trendmicro agent.

$ ansible-playbook trendmicro.yml

Upgrade OS packages as a one-off command on all hosts.

$ ansible -m apt -a 'update_cache=yes upgrade=dist' all

Reload the apache2 service for catalog.

$ ansible-playbook -m service -a 'name=apache2 state=reload' catalog-web-v1

Run a one-off shell command.

$ ansible -m shell -a "/usr/bin/killall dhclient && dhclient -1 -v -pf /run/dhclient.eth0.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases eth0" all

Tail the logs using dsh.

$ dsh -g catalog-web-v1 -M -c tail -f /var/log/apache2/ckan.custom.log

Provision apps

cd ansible

ansible-playbook --help

See example(s) below


provision vm & deploy app: ansible-playbook datagov-web.yml --tags="provision" --limit wordpress-web

deploy app: ansible-playbook datagov-web.yml --tags="deploy" --limit wordpress-web

deploy rollback: ansible-playbook datagov-web.yml --tags="deploy-rollback" --limit wordpress-web

  • You can override branch to be deployed via -e project_git_version=develop

    e.g. ansible-playbook datagov-web.yml --tags=deploy --limit wordpress-web -e project_git_version=develop


provision vm & deploy app: ansible-playbook dashboard-web.yml --tags="provision" --limit dashboard-web

deploy app: ansible-playbook dashboard-web.yml --tags="deploy"

deploy rollback: ansible-playbook dashboard-web.yml --tags="deploy-rollback"


provision vm & deploy app: ansible-playbook crm-web.yml --tags="provision" --limit crm-web

deploy app: ansible-playbook crm-web.yml --tags="deploy"

deploy rollback: ansible-playbook crm-web.yml --tags="deploy-rollback"


provision vm - web: ansible-playbook catalog.yml --tags="frontend,ami-fix,bsp" --skip-tags="solr,db,cron" --limit catalog-web

provision vm - harvester: ansible-playbook catalog.yml --tags="harvester,ami-fix,bsp" --skip-tags="apache,solr,db,saml2" --limit catalog-harvester

provision vm - solr: ansible-playbook catalog.yml --tags="solr,ami-fix,bsp" --limit solr


provision vm && deploy app: ansible-playbook inventory.yml --skip-tags="solr,db,deploy-rollback" --limit inventory-web

provision vm - solr: ansible-playbook inventory.yml --tags="solr,ami-fix,bsp" --limit solr


provision vm && deploy app: ansible-playbook jekyll.yml --limit jekyll-web


provision vm && deploy app: ansible-playbook elasticsearch.yml


provision vm && deploy app: ansible-playbook kibana.yml

EFK nginx

provision vm && deploy app: ansible-playbook efk_nginx.yml


The CIS hardening benchmark sets a 027 umask, which means by default files are not world-readble. This is often a source of problems, where a service cannot read a configuration file.


This section describes how the Ansible inventories are organized and variables defined.



Web hosts for the catalog app.


Worker hosts for the catalog app.


Jumpbox host where Ansible playbooks are executed from.


Solr hosts.


Web hosts for the inventory app.


Web hosts for the CRM app.


Web hosts for the Dashboard app.


Web hosts for the datagov/wordpress app.


Web hosts for the static/jekyll app.


Elasticsearch hosts in mgmt vpc only.


Kibana hosts in mgmt vpc only.


EFK hosts in mgmt vpc only.


v1 hosts. These hosts run Ubuntu Trusty. Each group name will have a -v1 suffix e.g. catalog-web-v1. This helps us transition between stacks.


v2 hosts. These hosts run Ubuntu Bionic. Each group name will have a -v2 suffix e.g. catalog-web-v2. This helps us transition between stacks.


Meta group containing any hosts with a web server (e.g. apache2 or nginx).


Install the dependencies (from a python virtualenv).

$ make setup

Run the playbooks locally.

$ make test

You can set the concurrency parameter with make's -j parameter.

$ make -j4 test

This runs all the suites, both molecule and kitchen tests. See below for more on how to work with individual suites. Both suites rely on docker for running tests within containers.

Lint your work.

$ make lint

Testing with molecule

Molecule is the preferred test suite for testing roles. Playbooks can be tested by including them in the molecule playbook.

Molecule is modular, so you must cd to the directory of the role you are testing.

$ cd roles/software/ckan/native-login
$ molecule test

During development, you'll want to run only the converge playbook to avoid creating/destroying the container every time.

$ molecule converge

If you have multiple scenarios, you can specify them individually.

$ molecule test -s <scenario>

Testing with kitchen

We use Kitchen for testing playbooks, although we are moving suites to molecule.

Run a single suite.

$ cd ansible
$ bundle exec kitchen test catalog

Log into the instance to debug.

$ cd ansible
$ bundle exec kitchen login catalog

Re-run the playbook from a particular step.

$ ANSIBLE_EXTRA_FLAGS='--start-at-task="software/ckan/apache : make sure postgresql packages are installed"' bundle exec kitchen converge catalog

Refer to kitchen commands for more information.