
How to add parameters to global namespace when using the integrated SST-Core?

afranques opened this issue · 2 comments

Section 8.1 of the manual shows some parameters in the global namespace, however I believe this only applies to SST-Macro in standalone mode (not integrated with SST-Core).

My question is, does anyone know how to add a parameter to the global namespace using the integrated SST-Core? I have managed to add my own parameters to other namespaces, like "node" and "topology", but I would like to have some parameters to be global as well. My first attempt at doing this consisted in trying to read the parameter from sstmacro-11.0.0/sstmac/main/, but I later realized this is not executed when using the integrated SST-Core.

Thanks in advance!

The params in section 8.1 just control set-up for the PDES core.

I'm not sure that there is a clean way to do the same thing in sst-core. Can you provide more detail about what you're trying to achieve?

Understood, thank you! What I was trying to achieve is to have a global boolean parameter in the .ini configuration file (for example wireless_enabled=true/false) so that I can then check whether that parameter is true/false from many different components (such as node.nic, switch, or topology) without having to add the parameter to each of these components separately (i.e. without having to add separate node.nic.wireless_enabled, switch.wireless_enabled, and topology.wireless_enabled parameters). If there is no clean way to have that global parameter in sst-core, then it's not a problem at all, I will add the parameter separately to each of these components.