Remarkable 2

Using Modifications

This likely requires us to downgrade the firmware to match the latest toltec version.

I've tested Toltec on version 3.10x and some applications worked, with majority not working. Toltec only officially supports "builds between and", hence the reason we are required to downgrade the firmware to use additional applications.

  • From testing, the repository itself works, the only application which does not function properly is rm2fb-client, which requires a lot of manual intervention to work properly. Again, not officially supported.

We can do this with codexctl by using the command:

codexctl --auth PASSWORD install toltec

Afterwords, we can install toltec:

# 4/1/2024
# Check the official site to ensure the hash is updated

echo "37f6cc2a0c87dfe9b895c01a546315e9e43d87b9dc04e39b28e2c76ea87b1f7c  bootstrap" | sha256sum -c && bash bootstrap

Installing Packages

Stable Repo | Testing Repo

We can switch to the beta branch by running:

toltecctl switch-branch testing

We should update packages:

opkg update && opkg upgrade

We can install the linux-stracciatella kernel via

opkg install linux-stracciatella kernelctl

then using kernelctl to select the proper kernel.

To launch applications we need to install a launcher of your choosing.

opkg install remux