
Contribution required

sta-szek opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi folks, unfortunatelly I dont have time to maintain this project.
As you proably noticed it is outdated, lots of issues are not solved and, what is really bad, CI/CD tool is not working anymore.

All this makes that releasing pojo-tester is not possible.

Let me know if anyone would like to contribute and update projects.


Hello @sta-szek I have contributed and proposed some Pull Requests (and upgrade the lib to work with last java versions).

Pojo-tester is a library I use for 2 years (and read the source code), so I could try to update project and develop some feature requests.

Anyway, we need other contributors to validate pull request and developments.

Hi @frecco75!

Thank you! Yes, you are already a Collaborator! 🚀

PRs I can do on my own.

The most important is CI/CD and sonar, it will aready keep good PR quality.

Let me try to set it up in next weeks. Maybe it will be easier to use

Kudos to Piotr (@sta-szek) and all other contributors.

I have a fork here which builds fine and has CI (GitHub Actions), and a Maven Central release.