
Here's how to fix your Heroku app (SSL)

Eddydpyl opened this issue · 2 comments

My Heroku instance suddenly stopped accepting connections to the DB without an SSL certificate, and so my application stopped working. Just in case someone else bumps into this problem, here's what I did:

  • Update your pubspec.yaml to point to this repo instead of the latest version of Aqueduct. Props to NayanJD for his pull request. Remember to add a dependency_overrides section. You might also need to set publish_to to none.
  • In the channel.dart file, the one inside of your own project, within the contextWithConnectionInfo method, set the useSSL option in the PostgreSQLPersistentStore constructor to true.
  • Add the --use-ssl option to the release command in Procfile.

Thank you very much. I had the same problem and your issue saved me.

In my case, I followed the guidelines of the last two items of your solution.

I just don't know how to point pubspech.yaml to a specific repo. If you can guide me, I thank you.

Best regards.

Happy to help. Here's part of my pubspec:

publish_to: none

  sdk: ">=2.0.0 <3.0.0"

      url: git://
      path: aqueduct

  aqueduct_test: ^1.0.0

  aqueduct: 3.3.0+1