
Multi-Tab Support in StackSpot AI Extensions for Enhanced Productivity

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The new feature allows users to open and work in multiple chat tabs within the StackSpot AI extensions for VS Code and JetBrains. This enhancement enables users to maintain different chat contexts simultaneously and interact with StackSpot AI in multiple tabs concurrently.

Intended Outcome:

  • Enhanced Multitasking:

    • Users can manage multiple chat contexts simultaneously, improving workflow efficiency.
  • Increased Productivity:

    • Ability to ask questions and receive answers in different tabs at the same time, facilitating parallel task management.
  • Improved User Experience:

    • Seamless integration within VS Code and JetBrains, offering a more flexible and versatile development environment.
  • Context Management:

    • Users can maintain and switch between different contexts easily, allowing for more organized and focused interactions with StackSpot AI.
  • Better Resource Utilization:

    • Efficiently handle multiple queries and tasks without needing to switch between different windows or sessions, optimizing development time and effort.

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