
Add the complete git roundtrip.

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I can pull from Github.
I can download the zip with the code.

Why not link a repo directly and fetch und commit?

Right now I need to use this third party synctool.

Would be great to work seemsly with git.

Hi @bizrockman,
I dont understand your problem. can you explain a bit more in detail.

You say you already pulled it from git, so you can pull again to sync it? What is the problem with that?

The Settings=>Debug Tab also has the feature to check for updates within the UI


full git implementation might not be possible as we don't want to add a full conflict resolution into the app at this moment.. but will have option to commit and force push feature soon

Could we use/enhance the sync feature to work 2 way and webcontainer+hostkeeping identical? then I would be easy to push from the host/do merging at least.

thats difficult to do because of browser limitations. need to look into it.

What about a roundtrip? Having files local in a directory that can be sync with VS. In this is possible but not to link the code base with a github repo. So that I need separate tools to make that work.

I am working on a git push will be available soon