
Missing Release Notes

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Would be great to have a GitHub Release with Release Notes for each tag.

Hello, thank for your feedback! We have this in our backlog, to have a way of showing changes for different modules (some of which may come from API changes)

Hello @robinschneider,
We have just published a Release Note for all of our SDK modules.
You can find the individual changelog of each module on the respective folder under services . We will continue to update those from now on 😄

@vicentepinto98 Thank you for the update. However, this does not fit our use case.
We use renovate a lot and the way the release notes are right now, they have their own tag instead of the "normal" create a release from existing tag workflow.

If the release notes are generated for each tag like v0.8.0 from yesterday, we can directly see the change notes in our PRs.