
Tasks are dispatching before DB Commit

RazorMeister opened this issue · 5 comments


I've found a bug in this package. When I set jobs to dispatch only after DB commit, tasks are dispatching immediately. I think that the problem is in the CloudTaskQueue file in methods: push and later. They are not using enqueueUsing method from laravel parent queue when the dispatch after db commit feature is implemented.

I think that push method should look like this:

Thank you, I'll try and see if I can implement this soon

@RazorMeister This is fixed in v3.2.1!

This is still happening in v3.4.0

I have a repository that creates a model and fires a observer, and this observer send a notification via database, push, broadcast and email. But the "database" doesn't work, because in my repository I have a transaction around the model creation.

It works well if I remove the transaction.

Can you please verify?

I'm unable to reproduce this, can you please share some failing code? It's not mentioned here but just making sure: this feature only works when calling afterCommit(). Without it, Laravel will dispatch the job before the transaction.

I'm using this example:

Executing code

dump('Transaction started.');

    'name' => 'Test',
    'email' => 'test+' . bin2hex(random_bytes(16)) . '',
    'password' => bcrypt('test'),

dump('Sleeping 3 seconds.');


dump('Sleeping done.');

dump('Committing transaction.');




class UserObserver
    public function created(User $user)
        dump('UserObserver created a user.');

        dispatch(new SimpleJob())->afterCommit();


Transaction started.
UserObserver created a user.
Sleeping 3 seconds.
Sleeping done.
Committing transaction.

The CloudTasksApi::createTask is a dump that I temporarily added right before the task is created in Cloud Tasks.

Omg! You're right, the problem ocurred because I was not using afterCommit. And the error didn't help me to debug what was happening.

Maybe to help someone with the same error in the future, the error I was getting in this scenario is the following:

Google\ApiCore\ApiException: {
    "message": "Requested entity was not found.",
    "code": 5,
    "status": "NOT_FOUND",
    "details": []

Thanks for your help!