
Clojure 1.3 compatibility

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm planning to use date-clj on Clojure 1.3.0 so locale needs metadata to indicate it is dynamically rebindable: ^{:dynamic true}

There may be other issues but that's what I've run into so far.

Oh, hi Sean, sorry for the delay, I rarely enter on github. I just commited this change to github and clojars, I'll try running date-clj with clojure 1.3 tonight. Open an issue if you have any problems.

Thanx. I'm just about to open an issue for reflection warnings. How would you prefer issues be tracked if you don't check github very often?

I changed my github settings, now I'll receive an email everytime someone post an issue or comment to my projects so you can keep reporting here.