
Username registration errors

ryanarndtcm opened this issue · 1 comments

This is coming in from a user in support who has been sent a link to this issue to add to. I will add anything else in here that they send to support.

Email 1

Hello, I can’t seem to register a new username to my account even though it’s available.The message I’m getting when trying to register a new username: "entaxyuser" on the blockchain:

Sorry, it looks like the blockchain failed to process your name registration. Please contact us at for help. Some apps may be unusable until you register an ID.

Could you please advise on next steps.

Email 2

I am trying to follow the instructions in the recovery email to recover my blockstack user: "", but it’s not working.

When I enter my password trying to recover it, I get an error saying "bad header; couldn't find a good version (got 4207965993)"

Could you please let me know what I can do to recover that username from the email I received ?

Hello Ryan,

Thank you for the reply.

I can no longer reproduce the issues in either of the emails. My guess is that it took some time to synchronize because I can now see my username

1- I managed to register "" but it hasn't showed up yet, on my account which I'm guessing is what happened to the other one.

2- The blockstack ID "" was recovered and I can now see it with my other user.

Thank you so much for looking into it.

Cheers !