
List of addreesses "rich list"

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I've seen community members ask for a "rich list" i.e., sorted addresses by their STX holdings.

I understand that explorer 1.0 will be deprecated soon. Is it possible to have a quick DB query turned into a html file on ? Can manually update that file a few times between now and Stacks 2.0 launch.

I will start a separate Github issue for such support on explorer 2.0.

The API provides this:

There isn't currently a front-end design.

@aulneau @hstove I think it's up to you if we can get a quick display for this

I won't have time this week to work on this, I could next week though.

We should have @agraebe be aware of this ask, too.

let's review priority in the planning. @muneeb-ali any input on the importance and/or urgency of this?