
[Add docs] Chain agnostic docs

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title: Chain Agnostic Definitions
description: Using chain agnostic standards for Stacks assets and protocols

Chain Agnostic References

Stacks Token (CAIP-20)

The native Stacks token on mainnet is referenced as

Stacks Accounts (CAIP-10)

Accounts are references by their STX address, for example for mainnet as

SIP9 and SIP10 tokens (CAIP-19)

Similarily, tokens are referenced using their smart contract:
stacks:1/sip10:SP3DX3H4FEYZJZ586MFBS25ZW3HZDMEW92260R2PR.Wrapped-Bitcoin or


with Stacks (CAIP-122)

The signature type is defined as stacks:secp256k1

Wallet Connect v2

The following methods are defined: stacks_contractCall, stacks_stxTransfer, stacks_signMessage, and stacks_contractDeploy.
Xverse mobile wallet has implemented support for Wallet Connect v2

Closing this as the links lead to 404 pages. However, feel free to comment if you think this is still relevant and we can explore more.