
How can I use NTML hash to login

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I use mimikatz to get my PC's NTML HASH ,but I can't login successed with it . But I can use this Hash to login in impacket and cme.

Ar3h commented

I have same problem

I tried to set hash, but failed

this is my code

package main

import (

func ConnectSmb(Host, Username, Auth, Domain string, HashFlag bool) {
	Hash := ""
	Password := ""

	if HashFlag { // 判断是否是Hash
		Hash = Auth
	} else {
		Password = Auth

	options := smb.Options{
		Host:        Host,
		Port:        445,
		User:        Username,
		Hash:        Hash,
		Password:    Password,
		Domain:      Domain,
		Workstation: "",

	session, err := smb.NewSession(options, true)
	// 登陆失败会报错
	// NT Status Error: Logon failed
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("Login success")

	// 登陆成功就没有提示

func GetLM_NTLMHash(user, pass string) {
	ntHash := ntlmssp.Ntowfv2(pass, user, ".\\")
	lmHash := ntlmssp.Lmowfv2(pass, user, "")
	fmt.Println("NTLM Hash:", hex.EncodeToString(ntHash))
	fmt.Println("LM Hash:", hex.EncodeToString(lmHash))

func main() {
	ConnectSmb("", "administrator", "123123", "", false) // ✅success
        // 579110c49145015c47ecd267657d3174 is NTLM Hash from mimikatz
        ConnectSmb("", "administrator", "579110c49145015c47ecd267657d3174579110c49145015c47ecd267657d3174", "", true) // failure❌

	//GetLM_NTLMHash("Administrator", "123123")	// the NTLM Hash is 3bcf78752d5dfc2f516a7b63a992fe4f

You should be calculating the NTLM hash by calling ntlmssp.Ntowfv1(pass). In your example, you're calling Ntowfv2. It will give you the same hash value you got from mimikatz:

func Ntowfv1(pass string) []byte {
	hash := md4.New()
	return hash.Sum(nil)

func main() {
	pass := "123123"
	ntHash := Ntowfv1(pass)
	fmt.Println("NTLM Hash:", hex.EncodeToString(ntHash)) // NTLM Hash: 579110c49145015c47ecd267657d3174