
Next steps

Opened this issue · 3 comments


  • LED responding to setup steps, and changing policy from frontend
  • "reset" mode by connecting the two pins on the hardware.
    • connect for 10 seconds, the LED should blink yellow.
    • remove and reconnect and the Wifi creds are cleared
    • setup via app mode to accept new wifi creds only (not change the seed)
  • running against full VLS testing suite
  • optimization (speed)
  • bug in updating allowlist on the fly when using a BackupPersister. ThreadMemoPersister panics with "not in persister context"


  • test with BITCOIND_RPC_URL (frontend) connectivity
  • work on round-robin signing with state sync?


  • setup process more flexible
    • setting up for first time - in app onboarding screens
  • hardware policy changes
  • "force close" mode to exit all sats from signer if LSP goes dark


  • show connected signer in swarm UI
  • VLS frontend to manage policies

set_policy in signer/src/policy needs to update the VelocityApprover on the fly. Blocked by VLS #324

Updating allowlist blocked by VLS #332

Force close all channels and recover funds to address

Should implement a handler to run this function on phone.

Running with the frontend, as in export BITCOIND_RPC_URL= yields ERROR vls_protocol::msgs bad magic 3f4 on vls-mqtt.


issue above now fixed with d407ccf