
Chat actions UI

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Build chat actions layouts:

1. Send/Receive menu

Screen Shot 2022-07-19 at 12 37 37

2. Send Tribe payment

Screen Shot 2022-07-19 at 12 35 21

3. Amount/Memo view

Screen Shot 2022-07-19 at 12 37 49

4. Template image view

Screen Shot 2022-07-19 at 12 38 23

Here are some details to fix on SEND/RECEIVE popup:

  • First of all the SEND/RECEIVE popup shouldn't be a new window. It should be just a view inside and centered on the CHAT view. Same for the rest of the views
  • I couldn't get to the payment templates view so I couldn't test it.
  • Even when the logic is not implemented it's good to always implement a basic flow logic (at least to be able to dismiss views, right now the CLOSE buttons are not working so I can't dismiss and I have to re launch app every time for testing)
  • When tapping on SEND/RECEIVE and new view is implemented, then that first one needs to be closed.

1. Send/Receive menu

Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 10 09 50

  • As on any view, it shouldn't be a new window but a view inside the chat view with a semi transparent black background. Check Mac app
  • Rounded corners are showing a small white
  • Arrows should be white as text
  • When over a button, a darker view shows as on any button, but it's too small. It should be a rectangle of the entire size of the button

2. Send Tribe payment

Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 10 05 01

  • It's showing centered on the entire sphinx windows instead of centered on the chat view
  • Add semi transparent background as on Mac
  • I know you don't have the exact sizes, but some elements have big differences with the screenshot I posted here as reference. Name is tiny when it's big on the screenshot. Same with red close button. Let's try to keep the proportions at least.

3. Amount/Memo view

Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 10 00 49

  • Shouldn't be on a new window but on a view centered on chat view with semi transparent background
  • Check size proportions on all views to make it similar to screenshot
  • SEND/REQUEST PAYMENT title is not horizontally centered

4. Template image view

  • Couldn't get to this view at all so I couldn't test it. But general fixes that I mentioned on other views should apply here as well: proportions, centered view in chat with background instead of new windows, etc.

Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 1 48 10 PM

  1. I faced an issue related to getting a customized dialog for desktop, as of now we have more control over dialogs in android. But things are a bit different on the desktop side like I'm struggling to get the exact spacing from top and bottom. Anyhow I managed to make it as possible as I can.

  2. I'm not able to find any solution to add a snapping effect while we are sending template images at the last step

Payment templates pending