Hello and Welcome, here you can find the final results of our project.
Inside "App" folder you can find all related files.
- MainActivity.java - the main screen.
- SamplesActivity.java - the graphs screen.
- User.java - defines a user object.
- SampleData.java - defines a sample object.
- BLEQueueItem.java - handels the bluetooth communication.
- LoginActivity.java - login screen using firebase authentication.
- RegisterActivity.java - registration screen using firebase.
Inside "Arduino" folder you can find:
- arduinoCode.ino - the arduino code.
- simulateAlgoOnData.py - a simulation of the algorithm written in python for fast development.
- 1_data.csv - a sample for testing the algorithm.
Inside the "Project details" folder you can find all submission-related files.
- Final report - a vast overview of the project.
- Poster - a short overview of the project.