
Should semistandard-format be removed from semistandard?

Flet opened this issue · 3 comments

Flet commented

With --fix added in now, should we remove the --format option and instead rely on --fix?

standard has already done the same thing. The benefit here would be a lot less dependencies to install, resulting in faster installs for folks who include semistandard in their devDependencies.

Flet commented

@ricardofbarros any thoughts? It feels like semistandard-format is not being maintained (and standard-format is in a similar state).

I just updated and was tripped up by this. The cli told me about --fix but the readme still referenced semistandard-format. I'm glad to see the formatter included again, since keeping versions in sync was a pain.

Flet commented

OK, semistandard --format has been removed in favor of --fix.