
"Missing space before function parameter" Error

t-moe opened this issue · 2 comments

t-moe commented

I have the following code:

var o = {
  get foo() {
    return 1;

running semistandard -F on it, gives me:

semistandard: Semicolons For All! (
/home/timo/FluentFlow/testStandard.js:2:10: Missing space before function parentheses.

That's ok. But if I add that missing space, it will be removed again by the "format option" and the error stays the same.

t-moe commented

Probably related to #47.

Flet commented

The formatting is not quite ready for prime time. semistandard-format is the underlying package, which just adds semicolons to the output of I believe there is an issue opened for this over there. Feel free to contribute to make standard-format better! :)