"Missing space before function parameter" Error
t-moe opened this issue · 2 comments
t-moe commented
I have the following code:
var o = {
get foo() {
return 1;
running semistandard -F
on it, gives me:
semistandard: Semicolons For All! (https://github.com/Flet/semistandard)
/home/timo/FluentFlow/testStandard.js:2:10: Missing space before function parentheses.
That's ok. But if I add that missing space, it will be removed again by the "format option" and the error stays the same.
Flet commented
The formatting is not quite ready for prime time. semistandard-format
is the underlying package, which just adds semicolons to the output of https://github.com/maxogden/standard-format. I believe there is an issue opened for this over there. Feel free to contribute to make standard-format
better! :)