
FetchContent downloads type_safe on every CMake generation

osdeverr opened this issue · 4 comments

  • cppast version: Latest
  • OS: macOS
  • Generator: Xcode

Apparently it fails to find the type_safe package every time and thus redownloads it. I suggest you just reintroduce type_safe as a Git submodule, remove find_package and include type_safe in your CMakeLists.txt as a subdirectory: there really isn't a need for FetchContent in this case. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
By the way, this library is extremely useful. Thanks for creating it!

It prints Fetching type_safe every time, but doesn't actually re-download it again unless you delete it from the build folder.

It prints Fetching type_safe every time, but doesn't actually re-download it again unless you delete it from the build folder.

Are you sure? I'm not that familiar with CMake but there is indeed a noticeable delay in the generation once the Fetching type_safe message shows up. Plus, it seems that it's not displayed every time; rather, it's only shown if the package is missing.

Got it, thanks.