
Filesend uses its automatically generated key for encryption instead of mine

Opened this issue · 2 comments
I change key for encryption but it uses its auto generated key instead. It shows different keys to decrypt file on final page - in simple link it uses auto generated key and in separate field for key it shows my manually entered key. Auto generated key is working for decryption and manually entered key is not.
I used last version of Firefox in private and not private mode and this bug appeared in both cases. OS is Windows 10

I wasn't able to reproduce exactly what you've experienced. I noticed that the Simple Link contained the autogenerated key, but was still able to decrypt the file with both the autogenerated key and the key I had set manually. Can you try it once more? I pasted my key for reference just to make sure I was entering the correct characters.

This was on Firefox for macOS Mojave.

When you use the simple link it uses a derived version of your inputted key so that the plaintext value of your key is not revealed in the URL. When you use the bare link, and someone then enters your plaintext key to decrypt, that key is then derived to create a similar value as you would see in the simple link. So ultimately the result is the same.