
Advancing medical imaging informatics by deep learning-based domain adaptation

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Advancing medical imaging informatics by deep learning-based domain adaptation


  • Getting largescale labeled data remains a challenge, and multi-center datasets suffer from heterogeneity due to patient diversity and varying imaging protocols.
  • Domain adaptation (DA) has been developed to transfer the knowledge from a labeled data domain to a related but unlabeled domain in either image space or feature space.
  • DA is a type of transfer learning (TL) that can improve the performance of models when applied to multiple different datasets.
  • We discussed domain transformation (DT) and latent feature-space transformation (LFST).


  • While multicenter datasets can increase the amount of annotated data, these datasets suffer from heterogeneity due to varying
    hospital procedures and diverse patient populations.
    • Due to a distribution shift (also known as domain-shift) between the available training dataset and the dataset encountered in clinical practice, pre-trained models trained by one dataset may fail for another dataset.

What is Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation

  • Transfer learning (TL) applies knowledge learned from one domain and one task to another related domain and/or another task.

  • For medical imaging, a domain usually refers to images or features, while the task refers to segmentation, classification, etc.

  • If both source $(D_s)$ and target domains $(D_T)$ are similar, then $D_s$ and $D_T$ can use the same ML model for similar tasks $(T_S ~ T_T)$.

    • If $D_s \neq D_T$ or $T_S \neq T_T$, the ML model trained on the source domain might habve decreased performance on the target domain $(D_T)$.
    1. Inductive TL requires some labeled data. While the two domains may or may not differ $(D_s ~ D_T)$ or $(D_s \neq D_T)$, the target and source tasks are different $(T_S \neq T_T)$.
      ➔ ex. Lung tumor detection across X-Ray and computed tomography images.
    2. Transductive TL requires labeled source data and unlabeled target data with related domains $(D_s ~ D_T)$ and same tasks
      $(D_s = D_T)$, while the marginal probability distributions differ $(p(X_S \neq X_T))$.
      ➔ ex. Lung tumor detection across X-Ray and computed tomography images.
    3. Unsupervised TL does not require labeled data in any domain and has different tasks $(T_S \neq T_T)$.
      ➔ ex. Classifying cancer for different anatomies using unlabeled histology images.
  • Domain Adaptation (DA) is a 2. transductive TL approach that aims to transfer knowledge across domains by learning domain-invariant transformations, which align the domain distributions.

Using Domain Adaptation to improve model training in medical imaging

  • Cross-modal DA transfers labels between distinct, but somewhat related, image modalities.
    • Single-modality DA adapts different image distributions within the same modality.
  • DA can mitigate the lack of well-annotated data by augmenting target domain data, either by generating synthetic labeled images from source images or aligning source and target image features and training a task network on them.
  • Through DA, annotated MRI scans from historical subjects can be combined with CT to reduce the number of image acquisitions needed.
  • H&E stained images are widely available, while IHC images, which clearly highlight nuclei via specific biomarkers, are not.
    • DA methods can translate multi-stained H&E-stained images to the IHC domain, making nuclei detection easier.
  • Domain Adaptation methodologies

Challenge of Dataset Variations

  • Pathology images have stain variations whiel MRIs are susceptible to varing magnetic fields and contrast agents.
  • Such intra- or inter-dataset variations cause the tarining and test dataaset to have different distributions, resulting in a domian-shift which impacts model generalization.
  • DA methods try to minimize the dataset variation, while retaining the distinguishing aspects for task classifier, and have been shown to generalize well in image sesgmentation tasks for multiple modalities.

Deep Learning-based Domain Adaptation

  • Two families of DA approaches for medical imaging: DT-DA and LSFT-DA

Domain transformation in domain adaptation (DT-DA)

  • DT-DA translates images from one domain to the other domain, so that the obtained models can be directly applied to all images

    • Such translation is typically done using generative models, which achieve pixel-level mapping by learning the translation at a semantic level.
    • The translation direction is usually decided by the relative ease of translation and modeling in a modality.
  • DT-DA performs alignment in the image space instead of the latent feature space, leading to better interpretability through visual inspection of synthesized images, enforcing semantic consistency, and preserving low-level appearance aspects using shape-consistency and structural-similarity constraints.

  • Undirectional Translation

    • Undirectional translation maps images from the source domain to the target domain or vice versa using GANs.
    • Undirectional translation has been applied to remove dataset variations.
      • Bentaieb et al. designed a stain normalization approach, using a task conditional GAN to translate H&E images to a reference stain.
  • Bidirectional Translation

    • Bidirectional image translation (reconstruction-based DT) leverages two GANs, constraining the mapping space by enforcing semantic-consistency between toe original and reconstructed images.
    • CycleGAN has been expanded to handle larger domain shifts with semantic-consistency loss functions, multi-domain translation, and translation between two domains with multi-modal conditional distributions.
    • Bidirectional translation expands the training data to make the segmentation task model robust.
      • The translation and segmentation network can be trained either independently or jointly.

Latent feature space transformation in domain adaptation (LFST-DA)

  • LFST-DA transforms the source domain and target domain images to a shared latent feature space to learn a domain-in-variant feature representation.
    • The goal is to minimize domain-specific information while preserving the task-related information.
  • LFST-DA is more computationally efficient because it focuses on translating relevant information only instead of the complete image.
  • LFST-DA is used in three basic implementations:
    • Divergence minimization
      • A simple approach to learn domain-invariant features and remove distributions-shift is to minimize some divergence criterion between source ans target data distributions.
      • ex. maximum mean discrepancy, correlation alignment, contrastive domain discrepancy, wasserstein distance.
    • Adversarial Training
      • Adversarial methods train a discriminator, typically a seperate network, in an adversarial fashion against the feature encoder network.
      • The goal of the feature network is to learn a latent representation s.t. the discriminator is unable to identify the input sample domain from the representation.
      • Zhang at el. applied a domain discriminator to adapt models trained for pathology images to microscopy images.
      • LSFT-DA is also used for single-modality adaptation to overcome dataset variations in pathology images.
    • Reconstruction-based adaptation
      • The reconstruction-based adaptation maximizes the inter-domain similarity by encoding images from each domain to reconstruct images in the other domain.
      • The reconstuction network (decoder) performs feature alignment by recreating the feature extractor's input while the feature extractor (encoder) transforms input image into latent representation.
      • Bousmalis et al. proposed a domain separation network that extracts image representations in two subspaces: the private domain features and the shared-domain features, the latter being used to reconstruct input image.

Challenges and Opportunities

Domain selection and direction of domain adaptation

  • In medical imaging, domains are often selected based on the type of imaging techniques, anatomy, availability of labeled data, and whether the modalities are complementary for the underlying task.
  • Regarding whether DA could be performed symmetrically across domains, the potential information loss in a particular direction is critical for assessing task performance.
  • To assess domain relationship and DA direction, it is necessary to use:
    • Large-scale empirical studies such as exploring bi-directional DA across multiple datasets
    • Representation-shift metric to roughly quantify the risk of applying learned-representations from a particular domain to new domain
    • Multi-source DA automatically explores latent source domains in multi source datasets and quantifies the membership of each target sample.

Transferability of individual samples

  • Most DA studies for medical imaging assume that all samples are equally transferable across two domains.
  • They focus on globally aligning domain distributions.
  • The ability to transfer varies across clinical samples because of:
    • Intra-domain variations, noisy annotations due to human subjectivity, target label space being a subset of source label space, varing transferability among different image regions.

Limitations of domain adaptation in medical imaging

  • Adversarial methods are prone to errors because the discriminator can be confused, and there is no gurantee that the domain distributions are sufficiently similar.
  • The generator in GAN is prone to hallucinating content to convince the discriminator that data belongs to the target distribution.

Conclusions and Future Directions

  • DA has emerged as an effective approach for minimizing domain-shift and leveraging labeled data from distinct but related domains.
  • LSFT-DA and DT-DA are two popular approaches to minimize the distribution divergence in multiple medical imaging studies exploring same-modality or cross-modality scenarios.