
Add wrapper with consistent padding for MiniLeaderboards

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We should create a wrapper component for mini leaderboards.

This will include padding and the see more button by default.

Currently there is an inconsistent way of displaying mini leaderboards in HELM front pages. Some of them have "See More" while others don't. Handling padding is similar.

This functionality will standardize these practices and also prevent issues like the padding mismatch in which happens by default when using the lite layout. We should add guardrails for this so anyone making their own leaderboard can use the lite layout properly.

This is also related to the Lite leaderboard overall having this bug since we updated the number of models to show in the mini leaderboards.

Fixing the Lite and Classic mini leaderboard visual appearances in #3114 but not creating a new component since the additional wrapper code is only a few lines.