Can I output the optimized model?
janhuang6 opened this issue · 6 comments
Once NoScope optimized the model for a video, can it output the optimized model so I can use it to process more videos from the same fixed camera without having to optimize again for each video? For instance, I have 5 videos from the same camera. NoScope found the optimized model from the 1st video, then how to run that model for the remaining 4 videos without the optimization again? Thank you!
This is possible, take a look at
Hi, Daniel, thanks for directing me to the file I made some change to this file. But when I ran NoScope, I found this file (and my changes too) were not executed. So what to do to execute it? Thanks! Jan
Hi, Daniel, finally I run directly and it generated the Model output:
Now, is there a sample code that will read the model in and create the TensorFlow instance from it?
Thank you so much!
Hi, sxhexe, thanks for the link. I executed that file "". It generated some .pb files. I think those are the TensorFlow Model Files. Is there a sample code that will read in the model .pb files and restore the TF model and run it?
I don't know. Maybe look into tensorflow documentation?