
running GDACompiler using delite

mmrezaie opened this issue · 3 comments

I am getting this error using delite GDACompiler ...:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.apply(ResizableArray.scala:43)
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.apply(ArrayBuffer.scala:47)
at generated.scala.kernel_x2518x4363$$anon$1.processRange(x2518x4363.scala:49)
at generated.scala.kernel_x2518x4363$$anon$1.processRange(x2518x4363.scala:36)
at MultiLoop_x2518x4363_Chunk_0$.apply(MultiLoop_x2518x4363_Chunk_0.scala:14)
at Executable0$.run(Executable0.scala:42)
at ppl.delite.runtime.executor.ExecutionThread.executeWork(ExecutionThread.scala:50)
at ppl.delite.runtime.executor.ExecutionThread.liftedTree1$1(ExecutionThread.scala:37)

This looks like a problem with the dataset you are passing to GDA (with an admittedly terrible error message). Does it work if you run GDAInterpreter? The first input to GDA should be a white-space delimited matrix (same as MATLAB file format), and the second input should be a vector (1 element per line). They should have the same number of rows (the first input is the training samples, and the second is the labels).

As an aside, the mailing list is a better place to start with problems like this. Issues should be filed once a bug has clearly been identified, and with the required information to reproduce them (e.g. command line args, inputs, etc.)

I used the delite data generator from what I read in the mailing list: "make_data 100000 100 > data.dat"

But I agree I will send it first to mailing list and if proven to be bug I will open a ticket in here. Thats my bad. Sorry