Can't do any action
AlexPaiva opened this issue · 2 comments
Using the below code:
import truthbrush as tb
usi= "----"
passi= "----"
postIDI = "110948615193551722"
api = tb.Api(username=str(usi), password=str(passi), proxy_list=None)
Where the get_posti is a custom function I added:
def get_posti(self, post_id: int = 50) -> dict:
"""Return a list of users who liked a post."""
params = {
"limit": 10000000,
"max_id": None
return self._get_paginated(f"/v1/statuses/{post_id}/favourited_by")
And I am getting this error:
2023-08-25 14:51:43.510 | ERROR | truthbrush.api:get_auth_id:336 - Failed login request: HTTP Error 400:
2023-08-25 14:52:00.744 | ERROR | truthbrush.api:get_auth_id:336 - Failed login request: HTTP Error 400:
2023-08-25 14:52:15.474 | ERROR | truthbrush.api:get_auth_id:336 - Failed login request: HTTP Error 400:
2023-08-25 14:52:27.966 | ERROR | truthbrush.api:get_auth_id:336 - Failed login request: HTTP Error 400:
2023-08-25 14:52:38.584 | ERROR | truthbrush.api:get_auth_id:336 - Failed login request: HTTP Error 400:
2023-08-25 14:52:48.747 | ERROR | truthbrush.api:get_auth_id:336 - Failed login request: HTTP Error 400:
2023-08-25 14:53:00.597 | ERROR | truthbrush.api:get_auth_id:336 - Failed login request: HTTP Error 400:
(Line 336 contains: logger.error(f"Failed login request: {str(e)}") I have not modified this function or any other base function)
The account is fine as I could manually log in, tried with and without proxies, exact same error. What could be wrong?
Also got:
2023-08-25 15:02:18.252 | ERROR | truthbrush.api:get_auth_id:327 - Failed login request: HTTP Error 400:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\AA\Downloads\", line 21, in <module>
File "C:\Users\AA\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\truthbrush\", line 131, in lookup
return self._get("/v1/accounts/lookup", params=dict(acct=user_handle))
File "C:\Users\AA\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\truthbrush\", line 86, in _get
"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.auth_id,
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "NoneType") to str
Line 327 contains: logger.error(f"Failed login request: {str(e)}") (function untouched)
Line 131 contains: return self._get("/v1/accounts/lookup", params=dict(acct=user_handle)) (overall lookup and other basic functions are untouched)
Line 86 contains: "Authorization": "Bearer " + self.auth_id, from the _get function which is untouched aswell.
@AlexPaiva Were you able to resolve this issue? I too would like a method to write a post to Turthsocial. Can you confirm if it is an issue in code or an issue with the permissions?