
3D GDS Usage

iclibera opened this issue · 2 comments


At my first 3D inverse design wdm2 trial, I obtain the following with sim_fg and bg integrated as other layers on it.

At this stage, I am using my laptop to run 3D simulation, so I wanted to ask a few questions beforehand:

First question (which I am about to check from the code, but just wanted make sure): I just changed SIM_2D as False for 3D computation and as I have not changed inside of simulation area, I guess I am having this inconsistency with input GDS, am I right?


Second question is, is that possible to easily produce these GDS files for your example of TE-TM splitter (if so, would you give a clue, where to focus on)? Plus, is that possible to obtain 3D view graphics as you do in your articles? I am posting the example you posted on your website below:


Thank you in advance,


  1. Just be clear, you're overlaying the designed device with the original simulation region? That might actually be a bug where the GDS generation is scaling things up by a factor of 2... If you scale the design down by factor 2, does it look like what you're supposed to get?

  2. I think those were designed by a graduate student who graduated over a decade ago, so I don't know where the GDS files for those designs are anymore. That said, it shouldn't be hard to re-optimize one using the current code. Currently, to create any 3D device images, we just use Blender.

The scaling issue has been fixed in the latest push.