
div positioning

sagrma opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi while using jgrowl i am facing div placement issue.
I am calling it like
$.jGrowl(item.message, { header: item.title, life: ' . $modSettings ['enotify_life'] . ' , position: "bottom-left"});
but it is coming as
'<'div class="top-right jGrowl" id="jGrowl"'>'<'div class="jGrowl-notification">some message '<'/div'>'<'/div'>'
I asked it to come at bottom left with postion attribute but it is coming at top right.
the thing is i want to dictate div postion
if it is new post top right but if some one thanks you or mention you in post than bottom left.

thanks and regards

You need separate containers for each position that you want to use. Rather than use the short handle $.jGrowl, select the specific container $('#top-left-container').jGrowl("...") (as an example). If you refer to the examples included with the library there are several multi-container instances that work like this.