
Not able to create snapshot of a model using dbt-trino==1.7.1

AviKasliwal04 opened this issue · 4 comments

Expected behavior

Snapshot of model should be created.

The log should say something on the lines of:
1 of 1 OK snapshotted _<model_name>_......................................... [SUCCESS in 20.57s]

Actual behavior

Getting database error:

Database Error in snapshot _<model_name>_ (snapshots/_<model_name>_snapshot.sql)
  TrinoUserError(type=USER_ERROR, name=SYNTAX_ERROR, message="line 3:76: mismatched input '__dbt_tmp'. Expecting: '.', <EOF>", query_id=_<query_id>_)

Actual query fired:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "<catalog_or_db_name>"."<schema_name>"."<model_name>"__dbt_tmp

Should have fired:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "<catalog_or_db_name>"."<schema_name>"."<model_name>__dbt_tmp"

Steps To Reproduce

Create a simple model and then a snapshot for that model.

dbt-core == 1.7.1
dbt-trino == 1.7.1
trino version == 438 [Should I bring it down to 435?]

Log output/Screenshots

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 7 42 59 PM

Operating System

Mac OS 14 Sanoma

dbt version


Trino Server version


Python version


Are you willing to submit PR?

  • Yes I am willing to submit a PR!

I'm trying to reproduce this behaviour, but so far, I've had no luck.

So, it fails exactly at
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "<catalog_or_db_name>"."<schema_name>"."<model_name>"__dbt_tmp

but previously CREATE TABLE succeded, appending __dbt_tmp suffix properly to model name?

I was able to find a way around it by modifying the run_hooks macro. added one run_hooks.sql file in my macros folder with the following code snippet

{% macro run_hooks(hooks, inside_transaction=True) %}
  {% for hook in hooks | selectattr('transaction', 'equalto', inside_transaction)  %}
    {% if not inside_transaction and loop.first %}
      {% call statement(auto_begin=inside_transaction) %}
      {% endcall %}
    {% endif %}
    {% set rendered = render(hook.get('sql')) | trim | replace('"', '') %} -- to replace "" from table name
    {% if (rendered | length) > 0 %}
      {% call statement(auto_begin=inside_transaction) %}
        {{ rendered }}
      {% endcall %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro make_hook_config(sql, inside_transaction) %}
    {{ tojson({"sql": sql, "transaction": inside_transaction}) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro before_begin(sql) %}
    {{ make_hook_config(sql, inside_transaction=False) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro in_transaction(sql) %}
    {{ make_hook_config(sql, inside_transaction=True) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro after_commit(sql) %}
    {{ make_hook_config(sql, inside_transaction=False) }}
{% endmacro %}

@damian3031 the above solution worked for my case, but is it the best way, or there is some other easier way, may be by updating some configurations - could not find alter way in docs :/

Closing as the issue is not reproducible.