
Starfoth's Endzone mods

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Commerce++ - EndZone a World apart mod

Commerce++ is a mod for EndZone a World apart survival city builder game (Endzone-Game.com).



#Current TODO Make Pharmacy, General Goods Store, and Industrial Supplier


  1. Fist of all you need to obtain mod loader PatchZone. To get it follow Installation guide.
  2. Start PatchZone and add Commerce++ to the "Active mods" list.


Commerce++ can make the game unstable and/or crash. Edited worlds may get corrupted after save and/or may not function properly when switched back to survival. Loading Commerce++ to version of the game it is not released for is not advised. It is likely that it will not load and/or not function properly.

Under no circumstances shall the author(s) be held responsible or liable in any way for any claims, damages, losses, expenses, costs or liabilities whatsoever caused directly or indirectly by PatchZone and/or Commerce++ and/or derived software.