
List of codes?

rr- opened this issue · 14 comments

rr- commented

Currently we're provided only with the image and need to discover the glyph codes ourselves with xorg-xfd. It would be nice if the example image included hex codes.

stark commented

The example image is for previews, I will add a separate image with unicode values in the next push.

Thank You.

How can one copy the glyphs from xfd? The glyph is the 0x00e00e (the arch glyph), according to xfd. But I try:

echo -e "\x00\0e0e" | lemonbar -b -p -f "-wuncon-siji-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-80-iso10646-1" -f "-nil-profont-medium-r-normal--10-110-72-72-c-60-iso8859-1"

And nothing appears in the bar. Both fonts are installed according to xlsfonts. What am I doing wrong?

stark commented
echo "\ue00e" | lemonbar -b -p -f "-wuncon-siji-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-80-iso10646-1" -f "-nil-profont-medium-r-normal--10-110-72-72-c-60-iso8859-1"

Alternatively, you can just: echo "\ue00e" in the terminal and copy the respective glyph.

Note: The output of the echo may show up as an narrow box, but that's because, the glyph is not present in the current font that the terminal is using, but it will show up correctly in lemonbar when using siji.

hi, I'm having issues getting echo to co-operate, Ive tried specifying the path of echo /bin/echo -e "\ue00e" /usr/bin/echo -e "\ue00e" my terminal just returns \ue00e my terminal is URxvt, and Ive tired with XTerm just to check that's it and no difference, do you know of another way I can access the glyphs or is there something I'm missing?

stark commented

Yes sure. Here is a simple script using printf:

# ucode: Print valid unicode characters from given code points
# usage: ucode N  - where `N` is a glyph code
# Accepts multiple arguments

for CODE in $@; do
	/usr/bin/printf "%s - \u$CODE\n" $CODE

exit $?


ucode e00e e00f


e00e - 
e00f - 

thank you for the script, sadly that did not work for me either :( it outputs e00e - \uE00E im going to chalk it up to a slackware quirk, luckily i just came across kcharselect from kde and that has solved my problem, sorry for the hassle, but thanks for the great icons, my awesome wm will be littered with them very soon :)

stark commented

Are you using any alternatives to GNU coreutils ?
Can you please pastebin the output of the following commands:

ls -l $(command -v sh)

/usr/bin/printf --help

@stark did you ever upload that image with codes?

xfd -fn -*-siji-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-1 gives me:

Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-siji-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-1" to type FontStruct
xfd:  no font to display

@magnetophon HIGHLY unlikely. At least, I can't find it. @stark closed the issue pretty much immediately, so probably forgot. And unless @rr- reopens it, this will probably remain lost. I might create a new issue to try and bring attention to it, but we'll see.

rr- commented

I'm still alive so if you guys want me to reopen this issue I can do that

@rr- That would be great, thanks!

Personally I'm pretty much set with the icons I need, but it was a pain getting the codes, so an image would be great to have for the next person.

rr- commented

Aw shoot, I'm sorry but now that I looked around, apparently there's no reopen button anywhere… so probably only the repository owner is able to do this. @stark

Its very difficult to view an copy and paste siji glyps ... The is very very sadly.

How to browse and copy Siji icons

  1. Have xorg-xfd installed
  2. xfd -fa siji (to get character map)
  3. Notice clicking on an icon changes a character code in the UI, that~s what we want.
  4. From that code we want what~s after the "e" (ex. 0x00->e023<-)
  5. Echo the character code so you can copy it: (ex. $ echo -e "\ue023")