
LS: Conflicting dependencies in packages

Arcticae opened this issue · 2 comments


  • package A (opened in VSC with LS)
  • package B (a dependency of A)
  • package C (a dev dependency of both A and B, but in different versions ver. A/ ver. B)


  1. Navigate to tests of A (GOTO to dev dependency works correctly, analysis returns correct types)
  2. Navigate to B (package is resolved, the C dep is loaded with ver. B)
  3. Errors in A (can) appear because of differing versions (C ver. B was loaded instead of C ver. A)


This error can appear in a very simple setup, where you have a dep on OpenZeppelin, it tests with snfoundry 0.27.0, and you do with 0.30.0 (which is totally fine from scarb/snforge perspective - it runs correctly)

The example above appears here:

@Arcticae please test whether this task is still relevant

Verified that it was solved with discriminator field