
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



To install Requirements, use

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The model is written and tested on cuda enviroment

Also, you have to download ckpt.pt from below link and place into ./cat_id/flask_deep/ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pcQRjzuhWySDOAnumXhN16y5s9jBK1Ni/view?usp=sharing


To launch demos, move to cat_id directory and execute

$ python3 server.py

Then you can access to the demo by move to the address in your browser,

This is the result page you will see after uploading a cat image. result.html

File Structure

|-- data_collect
|   |-- crawling.py
|   |-- rename.py
|   |-- used.txt
|   |-- url.txt
|-- cat_id
|   |-- server.py
|   |-- flask_deep
|       |-- static
|       |   |-- css
|       |-- templates
|       |   |-- result.html
|       |   |-- upload.html
|       |-- init.py
|       |-- Classifier.py
|-- Classifier.py
|-- resave.py
|-- test_model.py
|-- 대표이미지
|-- cropped_cat
|-- cropped_cat_2


Python file for crawling cat photos from Instagram accounts in url.txt


crawling.py gets photos from accounts in this texts


contains all accounts used for data collectin


The main Function that preprocess and train model


Utility script to reduce the size of the checkpoint file


Plot train/valid accuracy/loss and show some examples


Directory that include service frontend/backend

  • ./server.py Run the server

  • ./flask_deep/__init__.py Script that execute server

  • ./flask_deep/templates/upload.html html page for uploading page of 'cat_id'

  • ./flask_deep/templates/result.html html page showing uploaded image and predicted images


Directory that include crawler & dataset

  • rename.py Utility function to reorganize file structure


Trials to crop the cat face using the pretrained model of pycatfd


Trials to crop the cat face using the pretrained model of Haar Cascade Model in OpenCV


Trials to crop the cat face by handwork using labelImg. This folder is in the branch: crop-images.