
Unable to see optional characteristic PM2_5Density

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I setup my sensor as follows.

"accessory": "HttpAdvancedAccessory",
"service": "AirQualitySensor",
"name": "Air Quality",
"debug": true,
"forceRefreshDelay": 1800,
"optionCharacteristic": [
"urls": {
"getAirQuality": {...

All the optional characteristics are being used, but PM2_5Density is never mentioned in the logs and it is not generating any errors. I am assuming it has something to do with the underscore. I have the proper getPM2_5Density parameter, but it is never called.

The log looks like this on startup

[9/7/2021, 6:36:05 PM] [Air Quality] creating new emitter for getAirQuality
[9/7/2021, 6:36:05 PM] [Air Quality] creating new emitter for getNitrogenDioxideDensity
[9/7/2021, 6:36:05 PM] [Air Quality] creating new emitter for getOzoneDensity
[9/7/2021, 6:36:05 PM] [Air Quality] creating new emitter for getPM10Density
[9/7/2021, 6:36:05 PM] [Air Quality] creating new emitter for getSulphurDioxideDensity
[9/7/2021, 6:36:05 PM] [Air Quality] requested update for action getAirQuality

I'm a bit late to the party but, I had the same issue. After looking at the code, i tried "PM2.5Density" / "getPM2.5Density" and it worked for me

Here an example of my config:

"accessory": "HttpAdvancedAccessory",
"service": "AirQualitySensor",
"name": "31 - St-Dominique",
"forceRefreshDelay": 1800,
"debug": true,
"optionCharacteristic": [
"urls": {
"getAirQuality": {
"url": "",
"mappers": [
"type": "xpath",
"parameters": {
"xpath": "string(/iqa/journee/station[@id='31']/echantillon[last()]/qualite/@value)"
"type": "eval",
"parameters": {
"expression": "value = parseInt(value); if(value >= 1 && value <= 15){value = 1} else if (value > 15 && value <= 25) {value = 2} else if (value > 25 && value <= 35) {value = 3} else if (value > 35 && value <= 50) {value = 4} else if (value > 50 ) {value = 5} else {value = 0}"
"getPM2.5Density": {
"url": "",
"mappers": [
"type": "xpath",
"parameters": {
"xpath": "string(/iqa/journee/station[@id='31']/echantillon[last()]/polluant[@nom="PM"]/@value)"
"getOzoneDensity": {
"url": "",
"mappers": [
"type": "xpath",
"parameters": {
"xpath": "string(/iqa/journee/station[@id='31']/echantillon[last()]/polluant[@nom="O3"]/@value)"
"getNitrogenDioxideDensity": {
"url": "",
"mappers": [
"type": "xpath",
"parameters": {
"xpath": "string(/iqa/journee/station[@id='31']/echantillon[last()]/polluant[@nom="NO2"]/@value)"
"getSulphurDioxideDensity": {
"url": "",
"mappers": [
"type": "xpath",
"parameters": {
"xpath": "string(/iqa/journee/station[@id='31']/echantillon[last()]/polluant[@nom="SO2"]/@value)"

Thank you! I will try that out!