
Lightbulb Example JSON Config? Setting Color?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

My new project is a light that can have its color set. The physical device is not HTTP API out of the box, but I recently cobbled that together—step one I now can POST and set the bulb's color and query the bulb's color (via a sequence of off/on to its power). In this regard I have full control of the API.

I'm asking some advice for step two: does anyone in earshot have an example JSON config for this plugin for Lightbulb that supports/shows setting color? Adding this an an "issue" perhaps to add the example to the README.

I'm familiar with the basics: I'm currently using this plugin for many devices (32!)

I'm fairly sure I'll need to use "hue"—I can handle mapping hue to an indexed color on my end (but maybe not its multitude of color-changing automatic modes).

Thanks all!

Closing as stale.