
AB FACS: Performance issue saving and viewing histograms

Opened this issue · 1 comments

In testing FACS on the the dev server, save and previewing histograms seems slow.

@ald32 if you have any more details on how to reproduce this, it would be helpful.

ald32 commented

I set up an experiment with 2 samples, 2 different drug treatments. I also set drug concentration (one per drug), duration (1 duration), and temperature (2 different temperature variables). Then in flow cytometry, I setup three different types of flow cytometry experiments: 1) live cells, dye/stain, PI, 2) fixed, antibody labeling, antibody, and 3) fixed, antibody labeling, histone H3. Then anytime I either drew a histogram or selected one and then clicked 'save' in the pop up window, it took some time for the histogram to save.